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For Independent, Healthy Individuals

and Their Families

Self-employed professionals need a professional range of health coverage options.Your lifestyle goes hand-in-hand with your wellness. That is why Insular Health Care has treatment and coverage options for you to choose from – all designed to fit the way you live your life

Affordable medical coverage for you and your family.

If you work for yourself, you probably work longer and harder than you ever expected. Set aside some funds for a work benefit you or your family should not live without – affordable medical coverage.


Out-Patient Benefits

This includes annual physical examination, preventive health care such as immunization and consultation and advice on diet, exercise and other healthful habits, and other out-patient services like first-aid treatment and laboratory diagnostic procedures.

In-Patient Benefits

This includes room and board, services of all accredited specialists, general nursing services, and other hospital charges deemed necessary by the Insular Health Care accredited Physician.

Emergency Care Benefits

There will be no charge on emergency care services administered in any Insular Health Care accredited hospital/clinic for genuine emergency cases.

To know more about our Inlife Persona comprehensive plan, schedule a free consultation with our certified health experts today.

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