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Protecting your personal and company assets is our top priority.

In-house counsel & Legal Advice

We offer extra support to our client with our in house Legal and

accounting service.

A holistic approach giving the convenience under one roof.




 Legal Services Available

Our mission is to provide quality service to our clients, providing incisive advice on personal and corporate issues.

Add on service available bundled with our Investment | Insurance Products and services.

Personal Council

Family Law and Marriage 

Corporate Law

Personal and Corporate Tax

Personal, Corporate

& Tax Law

Industry - Best Practices

This add on service tackles all legal concerns.From personal issues to corporate formation and taxation, our in house legal team can help our clients find the best solution under one roof. 


Family Law & Marriage

Asset Protection

Personal and Family Legal Advice

Corporate Law

Corporate Governance

Venture Capital

Set up of Corporation

Legal Mergers & Acquisitions

Intellectual Property

Labor Law



Tax Planning

Increase Business Efficiency

BIR Assessment

Tax Litigation

Estate Tax

Employee Compensation

Personalize Legal Services

Client Priority


We are dedicated giving you quality service with our personalize touch. Our in house legal team can help you find the best legal solutions in all personal, corporate and business aspects.

Your convenience is our top priority.


Business Meeting

Accounting , 

Bookkeeping & Tax


Outsource your Tax, Accounting, Bookkeeping & Government Compliance..

We gathered highly qualified certified public accountants that can help attend to all your 

accounting requirements and concerns. This is an add-on service available to all our WealthPro

and corporate clients.

Exclusive service



  • Preparation    

BIR Form 2550 to BIR FORM 2307

  • Recording

Income & expense, Cash Receipts and other general transactions

  • Report & Statement

Receivables, accounting ledgers , fixed assets & inventory , monthly financial statements and others.

  • Others

BIR , SEC LGU regulations, Regular distributions and alike.


Get Started Now

Please complete the form below and we will get in touch with you within two business days.

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