Understanding your mind in relation to your daily finances.
It is important that when you are managing your finances, you will be able to identify the pro's and con's of every transaction. According to scientific studies, there is enough evidence that states that how you handle your body can greatly affect the results of your investments and your finances.
According to my research out of 75% of my clients who exercise at least twice a week believe they are on track with thier financial objectives.
Excercise can be considered as a free wonder drug. Plenty of research suggest that most people who gain weight or even overweight tends to spend more on their health care. People who execercise are more optimistic as well. This will help you motivate to do what is right for your portfolio.
Why it matters to execercise more?
According to webmd.com, when you excercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins which interacts with the receptors in your brain that triggers a positive feeling in the body. It reduces your stress level and helps you think more clearly especially on crucial decisions within your finances.
So when you start having difficulty with your finances, start with execercise as it helps you not only your body but also your finances.
* To know more about the writer and start a much more happy and stress free life, visit www.kingsanjose.com for more details in personal finance and life coaching.