Helping you secure your future.
Looking for an alternative to your normal time deposits, bonds to maturity, or looking for safer alternative investments?
J.P Morgan Launched an alternative safe fund that gives a monthly dividend payout range from 4% to 8% depending on market condition (As of Oct 2022 5.3% annual net dividend payout) + Capital Appreciation ( 4% to 8% depending on market condition ) + Life Insurance.
As of November 2021, San Josè & Partners | Insular life Introduced a new fund that will help every Filipino diversify their portfolio and help minimize risk exposure. Better than bank rates, and other bonds to maturity financial products.
This fund has it all! Alternative to Real Estate investments without the burden.
* Potential to receive regular payouts
Take advantage of the opportunity to receive regular payouts you can use for things you have been planning for; or as additional funds for health and retirement.
* Fund growth from the best income ideas globally
Access a broad range of capital structures spread across multiple asset classes from more than 2500 issuers all over the world through JP Morgan Asset Management, One of the most significant asset management firms which oversees more than US$ 2.8 Trillion in assets.
* Flexible
You have the option to make regular monthly top-ups to help you build up your fund faster.
* Convenient
Unlock the world of opportunities with just a single premium payment. Application is easy with no lengthy forms and medical exams.
* Life Insurance Coverage
Protect your financial future from the unforeseen events of life with guaranteed insurance benefits equal to 1.25x the amount of your payments.
Want to know more about the JP Morgan Global Multi-Asset Fund?
Get it from the Internationally certified and licensed experts today by clicking this link >
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