General Liability Insurance for Premises Operations
Business insurance that indemnifies the storeowner in the event he is held financially and legally liable for bodily injury, including death and property damage to third parties arising from his negligent acts or his employees in connection with the operations of the business. It also pays for costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant against the storeowner or incurred with the consent of the Company in the defense or settlement of any liability claim.
Coverage may also be extended to include Food and Drink Poisoning Liability, Car Park Liability, Valet Parking Liability, Garage Keeper’s Liability, Fire and Explosion Liability, Tenants Liability, Elevator Hazard Liability, Premises Medical Payment, Water Damage Liability, Innkeeper’s Liability.
- Liability Insurance for Contractors
Business insurance that indemnifies a contractor in the event he is held financially and legally liable for bodily injury, including death and property damage to third parties arising from his negligent acts or his employees arising out or in connection with the contractor’s project. It also pays for costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant against the storeowner or incurred with the consent of the Company in the defense or settlement of any liability claim.
- Liability Insurance for Security/Manpower Agencies
Business insurance that indemnifies a manpower/security agency in the event he is held financially and legally liable for bodily injury, including death and property damage to client’s employees and guests accidentally caused by the Insured’s assigned security guards/personnel to his client/s. It also pays for costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant against the storeowner or incurred with the consent of the Company in the defense or settlement of any liability claim
- Liability Insurance for Event Organizers
Business insurance that indemnifies an event organizer in the event he is held financially and legally liable for bodily injury, including death and property damage to third parties arising out or in connection with his hosting or sponsorship of an event. It also pays for costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant against the storeowner or incurred with the consent of the Company in the defense or settlement of any liability claim.